What We’re Reading —

Why Brands Are Finding Live Video to Be Perfect Complement To Branded Content

Major brands like Walmart and Adidas discovering how effective live video is at reaching their core audience.

Brands are actually seeing viewers heading to their websites to watch their live shows.

And, here’s the real surprise: they’re sticking around too. The average live viewing session is around 18 minutes. That’s a huge chunk of time to watch something that’s playing out on someone else’s schedule. So much for viewers having limited attention spans.  Read more here, from Forbes.com.

One of the more interesting things about the new live video is that much of it is not happening on social media, but on brand or publisher web sites, via companies like Brandlive, who have been doing live video for years. “Live video isn’t new to us,” Brandlive CEO Frtiz Brumder told me in a recent phone call.

“But what’s new is that brands are understanding they can use it to drive traffic to their own websites where there are e-commerce opportunities—that’s a fantastic way to generate revenue. Publishers are also understanding the value of live video to generate traffic for their sites. They don’t need to rely on social media sites to push traffic article by article when they have live video events to bring people to the site and keep them there.”

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