How a Bill to Help One Craft Distiller Might Hurt Another

We’ll admit to a bias in favor of smaller businesses.  So you’d think we’d be all for bills, such as the one passed by the Illinois legislature but not yet signed by Gov. Bruyce Rauner that would allow craft distillers to make up to 100,000 gallons of spirits a year, up from 35,000 currently.

The bill also would close a loophole in existing law that doesn’t explicitly prohibit distilleries from holding multiple licenses at different locations as a way to produce more spirits.

The bill would help a distiller that wants to grow its business.  But it would prohibit another distiller that’s currently producing 70,000 gallons a year under two craft licenses.  “I think it’s going to stink when one of the largest craft distillers in Illinois has to close its doors to the public,” the affected distiller told the Chicago Tribune.

The distiller who would be helped also produces 70,000 gallons under two licenses.  But she wants to bring her business together under one license at one location.

Obviously, there’s a simple way to solve this:  grandfather in all those craft distillers with multiple locations.

But it seems to us an even better way would be to simply say that a craft distiller could have as many location as he wants — provided the total number of gallons produced a year doesn’t exceed 100,000.  After that, he’d have to get the more expensive and restrictive distillers license.

Even better, have no limits whatsoever, but base the cost of the license upon how many gallons are produced.

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